
602 Index
seconds symbol 21
seed value 257, 261
sending See data sharing
Sequence app
70, 279–284
graph types 279
variables 444
settings 30, 431
CAS 30, 55
sharing data 44
shift keys 22
shortcut palettes 20
in Geometry
in menus 28
Solve app 70, 257–264
functions 344
limitations 262
messages 263
one equation 258
several equations 261
variables, summary of 433
solve functions 328–330
sort apps 71, 72
special symbols palette 21, 25
split-screen viewing 91, 106
Spreadsheet app 70, 193–208
cell referencing 198
entering content 199
external functions 201
external referencing 202
format parameters 207
formatting 206
functions 208, 345–362
gestures 197
importing data 200
menu buttons 205
naming cells 198
navigating 197
selecting cells 197
variables 203, 433
square zoom 90, 93
stack, in RPN 48, 51
stairsteps graph 279
standard number format 31
statistical calculations 216, 231
statistical fit types 229–230
statistical plots 217–219, 232
Statistics 1Var 70, 209–220
data set definitions 210
deleting data 215, 228
editing data 214
entering frequencies 211
functions 363
generating data 215
importing data from a spreadsheet
inserting data 213, 215, 228
menu buttons 211, 214
plot types
bar graph
box-and-whisker plot 218
histogram 217
line plot 218
normal probability plot 218
pareto chart 219
plotting data 217
results 216
sorting data 215, 228
variables, summary of 435
Statistics 2Var 70, 221–236
adjusting plotting scale 233
choosing the fit 229
define your own fit 230
deleting data 228
editing data 226
fit types 229–230
functions 363–364
inserting data 226, 228
menu buttons 227, 234
plot setup 234
plotting data 232
predicting values 235
results 231
sorting data 228
tracing a scatter plot 233
troubleshooting plots 236
variables, summary of 437
storing 42
symbolic calculations 56
Symbolic Setup view 74
common operations in 87
Symbolic view 73
common operations in 81–85
in Geometry app 148
menu buttons 86
symbols, in title bar 14
system-wide settings 30, 431
override 87