Getting started 21
Sv Relations palette: Displays a palette
of comparison operators and Bool-
ean operators.
Sr Special symbols palette: Displays a
palette of common math and Greek
Sc Automatically inserts the degree,
minute, or second symbol accord-
ing to the context.
C Backspace. Deletes the character to
the left of the cursor. It will also
return the highlighted field to its
default value, if it has one.
Delete. Deletes the character to the
right of the cursor.
(Clear) Clears all data on the screen
(including the history). On a set-
tings screen—for example Plot
Setup—returns all settings to their
default values.
Cursor keys: Moves the cursor
around the display. Press
move to the end of a menu or
screen, or
to move to the
start. (These keys represent the
directions of the rocker wheel.)
Keys Purpose (Continued)