Functions and commands 395
iPart Returns a real number without its fractional part or a list of real
numbers each without its fractional part.
iPart(4.3) gives 4.0
iquorem Returns the Euclidean quotient and remainder of two integers.
iquorem(46, 23) returns [2, 17]
isobarycenter Draws the isobarycenter of the given points.
isobarycenter((Pnt or Cplx),(Pnt or Cplx),(Pnt
or Cplx))
isobarycenter(–3,3,3*√3*i) returns
, which is equivalent to (0,√3)
isopolygon With two points and n>0, draws a regular polygon with
vertices at the two points and abs(n) vertices in total. With
three points and n>0, draws a regular polygon with vertices
at the first two points and the third point is in the plane of the
polygon. With two points and n<0, draws a regular polygon
with center at the first point and a vertex at the second point.
With three points and n<0, draws a regular polygon with
center at the first point, vertex at the second point and the third
point is a point in the plane of the polygon.
isopolygon(GA,GB,6) draws a regular hexagon whose
first two vertices are the points A and B
isosceles_triangle Draws the isosceles triangle ABC. With an angle (t) as the
third argument, it is equal to angle AB-AC. With a point (P)
as the third argument, the triangle is in the plane formed by
A, B and P, and angle AB-AC is equal to angle AB-AP. With
a list consisting of a point and an angle as the third argument
(t,P), the triangle is in the plane formed by A, B and P, and the
angle AB-AC is equal to t.
isosceles_triangle((Pnt or Cplx(A)),(Pnt or
Cplx(B)),(Angle(t) or Pnt(P) or