
4 Switch Interface Administration Digital Interfaces
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 177
2 Enter the circuit card number in the Card Number: field, or press F2
(Choices) to select from a menu. Initially, all fields are populated with the
default values for the circuit card number entered.
3 Enter the framing/line coding in the Framing/Line Coding: field, or
F2 (Choices) to select from a menu. The valid values for T1 PRI are
D4ZCS or ESFB8ZS. ESFB8ZS is the default.
4 Enter Yes to enable or No to disable in the DTMF Muting: field, or press
F2 (Choices) to select from a menu. Yes is the default.
Enter Yes to use dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) muting to reduce false
DTMF recognitions. These false recognitions sometimes result from the
network echoing back sounds that the voice system falsely recognizes as
touch tones.
Enter No when the interface is used for bridging; DTMF needs to pass
through without muting.
5 Enter Yes or No to specify whether the circuit card carries the D-channel
in the
D-channel on this Card?: field, or press F2 (Choices) to select
from a menu.