A Summary of Commands logEvent/logMsg
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 524
Table 33 defines the command line arguments.
Table 33. Argument Descriptions for logEvent/logMsg
script Name of the shell script for which the message is being logged. Normally, this is
either basename$0 or in ksh ${##*/}
msg The symbolic name of the message, for example, LG_OUT_OF_RANGE
dst This is only used with the logEvent command. It is the bit mask specification of
where the message will be sent. It can be a number or symbolic destinations, as
specified in msgDst.rules. If more than one symbolic destination is specified, they
should be concatenated with a plus sign (+), for example, stderr+log
pri The priority of the message. This is only used with the logEvent command. It may
be any of the following:
0, - or NONE, 1, M or MANUAL, 2, * or MINOR, 3, ** or MAJOR, 4, *C or
srcFile The name of the file from which the logEvent or logMsg command is being
issued. If you do not care, you can use “-.” Supplying the correct value is useful for
debugging purposes, particularly if a script might generate the same message
from more than one place. If there are many individual functions within your script,
you might find it advantageous to use the name of the function instead of the file.
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