A Summary of Commands display messages
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 451
You can also use the card option to display messages logged about a
specific type of card. For example, display messages card t1 displays all
messages logged about T1 cards.
The channel option works like the card option. For example, display
messages channel t1 displays all messages logged about T1 channels,
whereas display messages channel 5 displays all messages logged about
channel 5.
Note: The channel option requires an argument. Typing display
messages channel 100 attempts to display all messages
pertaining to channel 100. If you want to display the last 100
messages pertaining to any channel, type display messages
channel all 100.
Note that specifying both the card option and the channel option displays all
of the specified card-related messages. However, of the channels that are
specified, only those that reside on the specified cards are displayed. For
example, display messages card t1 channel all 100 displays the last 100
messages logged for T1 cards and T1 channels.
The id option allows you to display specific message ids that have been
logged. For example, display messages id TWIP004 displays all