A Summary of Commands trace
UCS 1000 R4.2 Administration 585-313-507 Issue 3 April 2000 603
trace [name]...[chan <,range>]...[card <card #[.port#>]]...[area
[level [,level...]...][date] [tracelog | startlog]...[sleep <sleeptime>]
The trace command prints trace messages to the standard output device
(stdout) according to specified options. Executing trace also causes trace
output to be logged to the trace shared memory buffer or to the trace log.
When trace is specified with name, all process-specific trace messages from
process name, are printed. Process-specific trace messages are printed
regardless of which channels that process may own or on which channels
they are operating.
When trace is specified with chan or card options, all channel-specific
messages, from any process are printed. The card option is applicable only to
network interface cards (that is, cards that have channels). The card option is
a special case of the channel option.
A combination of the name variable and chan options prints trace messages
from both the name and chan options. The name and chan options act
collectively rather than selectively.
If area is specified, only the process or channel messages associated with
area are printed. The area option is, therefore, selective. Areas may be