
You must plug in main storage cards in equally-sized pairs for the AS/400
510 and 530 and the AS/400 50S and 53S.
v Ensure that you know how to accomplish RAID protection on a migrated
internal disk unit. You must have an attachment to a Feature Code for a high
availability DASD controller (for example, 6502, 6512, 6532, 2726,or2740).
Note: In order to avoid additional charges for the IBM service representatives
time, perform ASP management after completion of the hardware
v Be prepared to delete the old device description and create a new one, if the
type of console changes.
v Review and confirm the hardware and software order.
v Some systems have a mix of unsupported disk unit devices. If the system has
such a mix, consider one of the following:
Purchase additional supported disk unit devices in order to enable the
removal of all unsupported devices before the model upgrade.
Purchase AS/400 Data Migration Services.
Upgrading from a 4xx, 5xx, Sxx, or 6xx to a 7xx
Many installed AS/400 models 4xx, 5xx, 6xx, and Sxx (except SB1) can be
All system units and expansion units have locations for features including
processors, main storage, power, expansion units, disk units, tape drives, CD-ROM
drive, and IOPs. Some restrictions may apply to certain combinations of features.
The configurator contains the rules and performance considerations for placement
of these features. It should be used to ensure a valid configuration. The use of
performance tools may also help in optimizing a configuration to match a specific
set of requirements.
Note: When ordering a model upgrade from a mixed-mode server (S20, S30, S40)
to AS/400e
7xx servers, an Interactive Specify code must be on the model
Sxx inventory record prior to ordering the model upgrade. The configurator
will generate a Record Purpose Only (RPO) order to add a zero priced
Interactive Specify code to the installed mixed-mode server prior to the
upgrade. This is a required step.
Sxx Interactive Specifies that the configurator will add:
v Model S20
#1490 Interactive Specify
#1492 Interactive Specify
v Model S30
#1492 Interactive Specify
#1493 Interactive Specify
#1494 Interactive Specify
v Model S40
#1495 Interactive Specify
#1496 Interactive Specify
Chapter 2. Planning Your Order for Upgrading or Data Migration 13