Chapter 4. AS/400 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map - Data
Prerequisite for Data Migration (RISC-to-RISC)
The source system must be at the same release level as the target server. This
includes OS/400, all objects, and all licensed programs. For customers ordering a
new RISC AS/400 server to replace an existing RISC AS/400 model (″source″) and
needing to migrate their data from the ″source″ model to the new server, a new
feature code Feature Code (F/C) #0205, is now available. This new feature code
should be ordered against the new RISC AS/400 server. It is valid on orders for all
new servers except the Models 150 and SB1. For Feature Code #0205, the customer
must have purchased a new server with enough hardware and disk space to hold
all of the data from the ″source″ model as well as any new data including any
required IBM software (OS/400 and so forth). Additionally, the RISC-to-RISC Data
Migration process requires that the ″source″ model must be at the same version
and release of OS/400 and Licensed Program Products (LPPs) as that of the ″new″
server which has been ordered and received.
v Customers with Version 4 must obtain licenses for the LPPs, either through new
orders or via Software Subscription for AS/400. A License Addendum will be
provided to allow the customer to install and use the copy of the new OS/400
release with the newly ordered server-on their source model for up to 70 days.
This Addendum authorizes the customers to use the new Version and Release on
the source system for the sole purpose of migrating their data. The previous
Version and Release must be reinstalled after the migration is completed. The
licenses of OS/400 and the LPPs will only allow the products to be run on one
system at a time.
v Model 150 customers who are not at the target release must purchase the
BasePak Upgrade (5649-EP5) in addition to any upgrades for installed Optional
Products in order to proceed with their data migration.
Feature Code #0205 provides for minimal preloading of the new server, inclusion
of a special License Addendum, and an insert which points to the AS/400
Technical Studio Web site:
This Web site provides the RISC-to-RISC Road Map. The Road Map provides the
steps on how to do the RISC-to-RISC data migration. For subsequent releases of
OS/400, the Road Map will be included with the shipment of the new server.
Feature Code #0205 differs from #0203. Feature Code #0203 SHOULD NOT be
ordered for AS/400 RISC-to-RISC data migrations as it is designed exclusively for
AS/400 CISC-to-RISC data migrations.
Before the server arrives, the customer should do the
1. Verify that the source system is at the same release level as the target server.
This includes OS/400, all objects, and all licensed programs.
2. Acquire the preventive service planning information (see Appendix G, “Obtain
the Latest Preventive Service Planning Information” on page 63) from electronic
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