The hardware service representative should do the following:
__ 1. Verify that the physical planning items were completed:
v High Speed Link cable plan
v Floor plan, system layout
v Cable labelling
__ 2. Verify that the customer has installed the latest V4R5 cumulative PTF
package and specific software release PTFs on all partitions.
__ 3. Verify that prerequisite hardware changes are installed or are available to
install on all system components and input or output devices.
__ 4. Run the WRKHDWPRD command, option 4 to display and verify the
information from the customer.
__ 5. Set the IPL System Action for each Secondary Partition
No LPAR LPAR Primary Partition LPAR Secondary Partition
No action Required, skip to
the next numbered step.
Under the Primary Partition,
Use the Work with System
Partitions utility to select
each Secondary Partition and
set each IPL System Action
to HOLD.
No action required.
__ 6. As appropriate, confirm the schedule with the customer, business partner,
marketing representative, and systems engineer.
Ensure that you have the following completed before the hardware service
representative arrives:
v The latest full system backup (Save option 21) tapes on hand and labeled.
v Latest system configuration list on hand
v Latest device descriptions printout on hand
v Latest controller descriptions printout on hand
v Latest PTF level printout on hand
v Latest complete and accurate label location chart or work sheet on hand
v High Speed Link cable diagram on hand
v Site and system layout diagram on hand
Installing the Hardware for the RISC-to-RISC Upgrade
The hardware service representative should do the following:
__ 1. Verify that the customer performed a full system backup (Save option 21).
__ 2. Make sure that the customer has the following information before
proceeding with the model upgrade:
v Latest full system backup (Save option 21) tapes
v Latest system configuration list
v Latest device descriptions printout
v Latest controller descriptions printout
v Latest PTF level printout
v Latest complete and accurate label location chart or work sheet
v High Speed Link cable diagram
v Site and system layout diagram
Chapter 3. Procedure for an Upgrade (RISC-to-RISC) 27