
Before proceeding with the MES Installation,
where possible, use (A), (B) or (C) to
document the installed AS/400. Use an
appropriate method:
(A) - If your country supports the
WRKORDINF command and if the installed
AS/400 is capable of using Electronic
Customer Support (ECS), use this method:
On the command line, type WRKORDINF,
then press Enter.
On the next screen, enter Option 1 in the
Option field next to QMAnnnnn
Note: nnnnn is the serial number of the
machine, press enter. Write ECS on the top
(B) - Use this method if the installed AS/400
is not ECS capable, or you cannot use A for
another reason: On the command line type
DSPSFWRSC *PRINT, press enter. Retrieve
hard copy listing from the system printer.
Attach the listing to the RMER. If no RMER
form is present, then ignore this step.
(C) - If you did not receive an RMER form,
then this task can be ignored. Go to the next
numbered task. If you have an RMER form,
you should also print the configuration of
the currently installed machine before any
upgrade activity is begun. Use HSM under
SST, where possible, to print information
you may need to report later, such as
component serial numbers.
Use the same procedure as described for the
primary partition for each secondary
partition that is configured.
__ 2. Print Disk Configuration Status of the installed system.
No LPAR or LPAR Primary Partition Secondary LPAR Partitions
24 AS400e 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V4R5