
been trained to deliver this service. Only an AS/400 System Migration
Services-trained hardware service representative should attempt this procedure.
This representative can assess whether this activity is appropriate. If you would
like more information about the AS/400 System Migration Services offering,
contact your IBM AS/400 hardware service representative. Your IBM AS/400
hardware service representative can perform the procedure or put you in contact
with the closest AS/400 System Migration Services-trained service representative.
Related Support Services
The AS/400 support family includes the following services:
v AS/400 Performance Edge provides traditional IBM maintenance coverage and
the following electronic support at no additional charge:
AS/400 Forum
v AS/400 Support Line, a hotline for AS/400 and AS/400 usage support
v AS/400 Customer Technical Advocate (an assigned technical specialist)
v AS/400 Consult Line (allows telephone access to private consultants)
v PM/400 for performance-monitoring, trend analysis and management reports
v AS/400 Alert (gives automatic notification of critical software and hardware
code fixes)
v AS/400 VitalSign, (provides comprehensive systems administration assessment)
v AS/400 SiteManager (provides system and environment-monitoring, and alert
v AS/400 House Call (gives on-site assistance with AS/400 tasks such as
v AS/400 Security Review Services (provides system security, environment
-monitoring, and system alert)
v AS/400 Consulting Solutions (provides customized services)
For V4R5, there are new terms and conditions. For more information, see the V4R5
Announcement Letter.
1. Contact your marketing representative for information about the services that
are available in your area.
2. For information about IBM Global Services, see the following Web site:
From U.S.A., you can also find information about IBM Global Services at this
Web site:
AS/400 Solution Services
See: http://www.as400.ibm.com
Installation Services
With Installation Services, IBM takes over the responsibility of planning and
installing the AS/400 hardware and software. This service includes the following:
v IBM Smooth Start Services for AS/400
40 AS400e 940x RISC-to-RISC Road Map V4R5