
Appendix D. Migrating Systems with the System Support
Program (SSP) Operating Systems
This appendix describes items to consider when you migrate a system that has an
Adv36 only operating system.
8xx models and V4R5 do not support SSP.
The Adv36 documentation, refers to migrating data from an Adv36 (the source
system) to an AS/400 Model 236 or Model 436 (the target system). In the migration
that this appendix describes, the source system is an AS/400 Model 236 or Model
436 that has SSP as its only operating system. The target system is one of the
AS/400 7xx RISC models in Appendix C, Possible AS/400 RISC-to-RISC
Upgradeson page 45.
If tables in Appendix C, Possible AS/400 RISC-to-RISC Upgradeson page 45 do
not include your migration, refer to the following for additional information about
the migration that applies to you:
v The Advanced 36 Read This First document
v The Memorandum to IBM SSP Release 7.5 Users
v Installation Tasks and Checklists appendix in the AS/400 Advanced 36 Planning
and Reference Handbook, SA21-9656-01
As you read the Adv36 documentation, you might also notice that the books
sometimes refer to a specific release, for example, V3R7. Consider those references
applicable to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in
new releases.
Migrating from a Model 236
This migration requires target system initialization:
__ 1. Print a copy of the original configuration record from your source system.
Information in that record might be helpful when you install the release 7.5
programming support as part of installing an AS/400 Adv36 machine on
your target system.
For information about printing the original configuration record, see
Changing Your System Configuration-SSP, SC21-8295-03.
__ 2. Save the following information from your source system:
v The Licensed Internal Code
v The SSP
v The licensed program products (LPPs)
v All the user libraries, folders, and files
v Other Adv36 files that might exist, such as:
The Password Security file
The Resource Security file
The Network Resource Directory
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