
topology for an APPN node consists of the following:
The local node
Adjacent nodes (network nodes, end nodes, or virtual nodes to which the local
node has a direct connection)
Transmission groups from the local node to adjacent nodes
Both end nodes and network nodes can report local topology updates; however,
network topology updates can be reported only on a network node system.
SNA/Management Services Transport (SNA/MS Transport) APIs
Systems Network Architecture Management Services Transport (SNA/MS Trans-
port) functions are used to support the sending and receiving of management ser-
vices data between systems in an SNA network. The network can include AS/400
systems, Operating System/2 and NetView licensed programs, and other platforms
that support the SNA/MS architecture.
The SNA/MS functions provided on the AS/400 system include:
The transport of network management data in APPN networks
The maintenance of node relationships for network management
The APIs allow a network management application running on one system to send
data to and receive data from a network management application running on
another system in an APPN network. The APIs are a callable interface that allow
the application to be notified about asynchronous events, such as incoming data,
by way of a notification placed on a data queue.
Some examples of IBM applications that use SNA/MS Transport APIs are:
Problem reporting
Remote problem analysis
Program temporary fix (PTF) ordering
In large networks, the number of sessions needed to support the various network
management applications could become burdensome without session concen-
tration. SNA/MS Transport APIs reduce the number of SNA LU 6.2 sessions that
would normally be used to transmit data. This support multiplexes or transmits all
of the network management data from all the applications in a network node
domain (network node and attached end nodes) on a single session to applications
in another domain.
This means that data transmitted from an end node is always sent to its network
node server first. Then, the SNA/MS Transport support on the network node server
routes the data to its proper destination.
Alert APIs
The alert APIs let your application create alerts, notify the OS/400 alert manager of
alerts that need to be handled, and allow you to retrieve alerts and alert data. The
generate and send APIs differ from ordinary AS/400 alert processing in that they let
your application create an alert at any time without sending an alertable message
to an alertable message queue. (An alertable message queue is a message queue
that has been created or changed with the allow alerts (ALWALR) parameter speci-
8-10 System API Programming V4R1