
user space APIs
Change User Space (QUSCHGUS)
used with pointer data 2-16
used without pointer data 2-17
Create User Space (QUSCRTUS)
example (listing database file members) 2-22
example (receiving error messages) 2-10
Retrieve User Space (QUSRTVUS)
used with pointer data 2-16
used without pointer data 2-17
use of 8-14
data queues versus user queues
ILE C example A-15
exit programs 2-27
integrated file system
examples B-175
ILE C example B-175
ILE COBOL example B-178
ILE RPG example B-183
keys with List Spooled Files API
ILE C example B-33
ILE COBOL example B-38
ILE RPG example B-42
OPM COBOL example B-38
UNIX-type APIs
examples B-175
ILE C example B-175
ILE COBOL example B-178
ILE RPG example B-183
changing 2-3, 2-4
variable-length record
definition 2-24
variable-length structure
example 4-3
virtual terminal
definition 8-28
virtual terminal APIs
use of 8-28
VisualAge C++ for OS/400
data type use 2-3
VisualAge C++ for OS/400 language
data type use 2-4
work management
internal job identifier 2-12
original program model (OPM) example 3-1
work management APIs
Retrieve Job Description Information
work management APIs
use of 8-28
work station support APIs
use of 8-28
Work with Filter Action Entry (WRKFTRACNE)
command 8-11
Work with Problem (QPDWRKPB) API 8-19
Work with Registration Information (WRKREGINF)
command 2-27
working with
data queues
ILE COBOL example B-165
ILE RPG example B-172
OPM COBOL example B-165
OPM RPG example B-169
machine interface (MI) program
beginning instruction stream 7-22
calling CL05 program 7-18
common programming techniques 7-32
compiling program 7-4
creating MI version of CLCRTPG program 7-11
creating MICRTPG program 7-18
creating MICRTPG2 program 7-27
creating program 7-5, 7-6
debugging program 7-7
declaring pointers 7-17
declaring structure for MICRTPG program 7-16
defining external call 7-17
enhanced version of MICRTPG program 7-18
handling exceptions 7-9
MICRTPG program 7-16
MICRTPG2 complete program (enhanced) 7-28
MICRTPG2 complete program example 7-23
program storage 7-36
setting breakpoints 7-7
setting declare statements 7-2
setting entry point 7-2
starting instruction stream 7-3
WRKFTRACNE (Work with Filter Action Entry)
command 8-11
WRKREGINF (Work with Registration Information)
command 2-27
zoned decimal data 2-3
Index X-29