
This exit program passes control to the application enabler where a registered
alternate administration program will be called.
Operational Assistant APIs
Most functions on the AS/400 Operational Assistant menu can be accessed individ-
ually by calling APIs found in the QSYS library. The Operational Assistant APIs
allow you to incorporate Operational Assistant functions into your application
For information about the Operational-Assistant backup APIs, see “Backup and
Recovery APIs” on page 8-1.
You can also tailor some of the Operational Assistant functions to your needs by
using Operational Assistant exit programs.
Performance Collector APIs
The performance collector APIs allow applications to be developed that provide
real-time performance monitoring capabilities. As with all APIs, this can be done
without the overhead of databases or spooled files, and through a hardened inter-
face. This is in contrast to the performance monitor, which collects much more
information and retrieves its data much less frequently to database files. That is, in
real-time, you have more control over collecting just the type of data you are inter-
ested in.
Print APIs
The print APIs consist of the following:
Print APIs
Spooled file APIs
Exit programs
Print APIs
Print APIs can obtain information about or perform printing activities on the AS/400
system. Print APIs can:
Retrieve output queue information such as status and number of entries on the
Retrieve information about specific printer writers.
Transform data streams from one type to another.
The following discussion pertains to specific print APIs.
The AFP to ASCII Transform (QWPZTAFP) API converts an Advanced Function
Printing data stream (AFPDS) into an ASCII printer data stream. The ASCII printer
data streams supported are the printer control language Hewlett Packard**
LaserJet**, Personal Printer Data Stream level 3 and 4 (IBM 4019, 4029), and
PostScript** data stream. The API can be useful to anyone who wants to print AFP
documents to lower-cost ASCII printers.
The Host Print Transform (QWPZHPTR) API converts an AFP data stream or an
SNA-character-string (SCS) data stream to an ASCII data stream. The Host Print
Transform API can be used as an alternative to printer emulation in the following
situations to transform AFPDS and SCS data streams to ASCII data streams:
Chapter 8. Use of OS/400 APIs 8-17