
tion key is treated as any other key. If attention key buffering is not on, pressing
the Attention key results in sending the information to the system even when other
work station input is inhibited.
Miscellaneous APIs
The miscellaneous part of the
System API Reference
includes the following miscel-
laneous APIs plus the process open list APIs.
Miscellaneous APIs
The miscellaneous APIs include the following:
Convert Date and Time Format (QWCCVTDT) API
This API allows you to convert date and time formats from one format to
another format.
Remove All Bookmarks from a Course (QEARMVBM) API
This API allows you to remove the bookmarks from a Tutorial System Support
Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) API
This API retrieves up to 1KB of user data, which was passed to this system
with the Start Pass-through (QPASTRPT) API.
Start Pass-Through (QPASTRPT) API
This API starts a 5250 pass-through session and optionally passes up to 1KB
of user data from the source system to the target system. This data can be
accessed on the target system with the Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) API.
Process Open List APIs
These AS/400 list APIs can improve perceived performance when they create lists.
The APIs create and make available to the caller a partial listing of the total set of
files, messages, or objects. This list is immediately available to be acted upon,
while the remainder of the list is being created. The user does not have to wait for
the entire list to be created. Following is a description of the APIs and how they
work together.
The process open list APIs are used to access the data returned by the following
AS/400 APIs:
Open List of Job Log Messages (QGYOLJBL)
Open List of Messages (QGYOLMSG)
Open List of Objects (QGYOLOBJ)
Open List of Objects to be Backed Up (QEZOLBKL)
Open List of Printers (QGYRPRTL)
Open List of Spooled Files (QGYOLSPL)
The APIs in the previous list are located in their respective sections in the
API Reference
book; that is, backup and recovery APIs, message handling APIs,
object APIs, and print APIs.
Each of these APIs builds a list of the appropriate type and returns the number of
records requested by the caller of the API. Also returned from the list building
program is a request handle associated with that particular list. This request
handle can be used on subsequent calls to the Get List Entry (QGYGTLE) API to
Chapter 8. Use of OS/400 APIs 8-29