
exit point
OPM COBOL example B-47
OPM RPG example B-54
registration facility
description 2-27
registration facility APIs 2-27
using ILE APIs
concepts 4-2
examples 4-9
registration facility APIs 2-27
use of 8-19
registration facility repository 8-19
service programs 4-2
related printed information H-1
Remove All Bookmarks from a Course
Remove Client (QZCARMVC, QzcaRemoveClient)
use of 8-2
Remove Exit Program (QusRemoveExitProgram) API
example 4-19
ILE COBOL example B-87
ILE RPG example B-92
Remove Exit Program (QUSRMVEP) API
OPM COBOL example B-85
OPM RPG example B-90
exit program
example 4-19
ILE COBOL example B-87
ILE RPG example B-92
OPM COBOL example B-85
OPM RPG example B-90
Rename Object (QLIRNMO) API 8-15
repeating entry type
fixed-length fields
example 4-7
variable-length fields
example 4-8
offsets example 4-8
Report Software Error (QpdReportSoftwareError)
API 8-19
with pointers B-122
ILE C example 6-7
ILE COBOL example B-122
ILE RPG example B-126
software error (ILE API with pointers)
ILE C example 6-7
ILE COBOL example B-122
ILE RPG example B-126
software error (OPM API without pointers)
ILE C example 6-2
ILE RPG example B-119
OPM COBOL example B-112
OPM RPG example B-116
required parameter group
description 3-3
error code 3-4
format name 3-4
length of receiver variable 3-3
qualified job description name 3-4
receiver variable 3-3
resource entry
definition 8-6
pointer to user space 8-14
user index 8-14
user queue 8-13
user space 8-14
retrieve API
continuation handle 2-25
user space example A-11
using receiver variable 2-23
using user space 2-25
Retrieve Configuration Status (QDCRCFGS) API
use of 8-3
Retrieve Data (QPARTVDA) API 8-29
Retrieve Device Capabilities (QTARDCAP) API
use of 8-1
Retrieve Display File (QDFRTVFD) API
use of 8-5
Retrieve Exit Information
(QusRetrieveExitInformation) API
ILE C example 4-13
ILE COBOL example B-66
ILE RPG example B-75
Retrieve Exit Information (QUSRTVEI) API
OPM COBOL example B-61
OPM RPG example B-71
Retrieve File Override Information (QDMRTVFO) API
use of 8-6
Retrieve Job Description Information (QWDRJOBD)
API—example 3-29
Retrieve Library Description (QLIRLIBD) API 8-15
Retrieve Object Description (QUSROBJD) API 8-15
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4
Retrieve Object Description (RTVOBJD)
command 8-15
Retrieve Pointer to User Space (QUSPTRUS) API
example B-66
ILE C example B-94
ILE COBOL example B-101
ILE RPG example B-106
OPM COBOL example B-61, B-101
OPM RPG example 5-4, B-71
Retrieve Problem Log Entry
(QsxRetrieveProblemLogEntry) API 8-19
Index X-25