
list of objects with only a certain status, which you cannot do with the
DSPOBJD command.
Rename Object (QLIRNMO) API
This API combines the functions of the Rename Object (RNMOBJ) and the
Move Object (MOVOBJ) commands. The API allows you to rename and move
in one step, and replace the existing target.
Retrieve Library Description (QLIRLIBD) API
This API returns the number of objects in a library and the library size. Cur-
rently, the only other function that does this is the Display Library (DSPLIB)
command with OUTPUT(*PRINT). Without this API, the user would have to
generate a list of objects, using the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD)
command, to an output file (or use the QUSLOBJ API), and then count the
number of objects and total the size of the objects (and include the size of the
*LIB object itself).
Retrieve Object Description (QUSROBJD) API
This API returns the same information as the Retrieve Object Description
(RTVOBJD) command.
Office APIs
Descriptions of the office APIs follow:
Display Directory Panels (QOKDSPDP) API
This API can be called to change the system distribution directory interactively
without using the OfficeVision administration interface.
Display Directory X.400 Panels (QOKDSPX4) API
This API adds an X.400 O/R name if one does not exist for a user. Also, the
ability to display the O/R name is given. This API is for interactive use only
and is useful if you want to add an X.400 O/R name to the directory interac-
tively or to display an X.400 O/R name interactively.
Search System Directory (QOKSCHD) API
This API gives the ability to search any fields in the system distribution directory
and return specified fields for each user that matches the search criteria. It
also is used to query the actual fields that exist in the system distribution direc-
tory. It is most useful when the system distribution directory is used as a
repository for information about users, and can be used in a program to query
this information.
Other office APIs check spelling, and work with the document handling and docu-
ment conversion exit programs, which are discussed under “Office Exit Programs”
on page 8-16.
AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework APIs
These APIs are used by those who are writing support for specific electronic mail
(E-mail) server functions on the AS/400. An E-mail framework (the mail server
framework or MSF), part of AnyMail/400, was added at Version 3 Release 1.
One API allows programs to create E-mail-related messages (MSF messages) that
are then processed as part of this framework. The framework has a series of exit
points that allow someone to plug in their own programs that are called when the
Chapter 8. Use of OS/400 APIs 8-15