Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 10
Revision History
This revision history summarizes the changes made in each published version of this document.
Document No. Publication Date Description of Revisions
05-1832-002 November 2003 Function Summary by Category chapter: Added functions to I/O Functions category;
added a section for Streaming to Board category; added functions to the Call
Progress Analysis category; added a function to the Configuration category.
Voice Function Support by Platform table: Added new functions to table.
dx_cacheprompt( ) function reference: Removed statement from the Cautions
section about cached prompts not being flushed and added new information.
dx_close( ) function reference: Removed oflags parameter.
dx_CloseStreamBuffer( ) function reference: New function.
dx_createtone( ) function reference: New function.
dx_deletetone( ) function reference: New function.
dx_getfeaturelist( ) function reference: Added support for board device as an
argument in addition to channel device. Added new bullet item in the Cautions
section about returning front end information.
dx_GetStreamInfo( ) function reference: New function.
dx_OpenStreamBuffer( ) function reference: New function.
dx_pause( ) function reference: New function.
dx_PutStreamData( ) function reference: New function.
dx_querytone( ) function reference: New function.
dx_ResetStreamBuffer( ) function reference: New function.
dx_resume( ) function reference: New function.
dx_RxIottData( ) function reference: Added caution for Springware boards in
Cautions section.
dx_setevtmsk( ) function reference: Added DM_UNDERRUN bitmask for streaming
to board feature.
dx_setparm( ) function reference: Added parameters for ETSI Compliant Frequency
Shift Keying (FSK) and automatic gain control (AGC) in Voice Channel
Parameters (DM3) table.
dx_SetRecordNotifyBeepTone( ) function reference: New function.
dx_SetWaterMark( ) function reference: New function.
dx_setsvcond( ) function reference: Added support for pause/resume play feature.
CT_DEVINFO data structure: Revised structure with new fields.
DV_TPT data structure: In tp_termno field description, added restriction on use of
DX_IDDTIME on DM3 boards; added usage note on DX_MAXTIME and
DX_IDDTIME. In tp_flags field description, indicated that TF_SETINIT is now
supported on DM3 boards; added new TF_IMMEDIATE bit for DM3 boards only.
DX_IOTT data structure: New io_type field value for streaming to board feature.
DX_STREAMSTAT data structure: New data structure for streaming to board
DX_SVCB data structure: Added new values for pause/resume play feature.
DX_XPB data structure: Added 8 kHz linear PCM to Linear PCM Voice Coder
Support Fields (DM3) table.