
Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 219
get size of on-board memory for cached prompts — dx_getcachesize( )
dx_getcachesize( )
get size of on-board memory for cached prompts
! Description
The dx_getcachesize( ) function returns the size of the on-board memory used to store cached
prompts for a board specified by the board handle.
If the flag specified is DX_CACHETOTAL, the function returns the total size of the memory
available for the board. If the flag specified is DX_CACHEREMAINING, the function returns the
remaining size of the cache that can be used to store additional prompts.
For more information about Cached Prompt Management and extended example code, see the
Voice API Programming Guide.
! Cautions
! Errors
If this function returns -1 to indicate failure, call the Standard Runtime Library (SRL) Standard
Attribute function ATDV_LASTERR( ) to obtain the error code, or use ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) to
Name: int dx_getcachesize(brdhdl, cachesize, flag)
Inputs: int brdhdl
valid physical board device handle
int *cachesize
pointer to current cache size
unsigned short flag
flag for type of cache size
Returns: 0 if successful
-1 if failure
Includes: srllib.h
Category: Cached Prompt Management
Mode: synchronous
Platform: DM3
Parameter Description
brdhdl specifies a valid physical board device handle (of the format brdBn) obtained
by a call to dx_open( )
cachesize points to an integer that represents the current cache size in bytes
flag flag that indicates the type of cache size. Valid values are:
DX_CACHETOTAL – total size of memory available on the board
DX_CACHEREMAINING – remaining size of cache that can be used to
store additional prompts