Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 121
set a DTMF digit to adjust speed — dx_addspddig( )
To start play speed at the origin, set digit to NULL and set adjval to SV_NORMAL.
! Cautions
• On DM3 boards, speed control is supported only at the 8 kHz sampling rate using the PCM
voice coder with A-law or mu-law coding, or the OKI ADPCM voice coder.
• On DM3 boards, digits that are used for play adjustment may also be used as a terminating
condition. If a digit is defined as both, then both actions are applied upon detection of that
• On Springware boards, digits that are used for play adjustment will not be used as a
terminating condition. If a digit is defined as both, then the play adjustment will take priority.
• Calls to this function are cumulative. To reset or remove any condition, you should clear all
adjustment conditionswith dx_clrsvcond( ), and reset if required. For example, if DTMF digit
“1” has already been set to increase play speed by one step, a second call that attempts to
redefine digit “1” to the origin will have no effect on speed or volume, but will be added to the
array of conditions; the digit will retain its original setting.
• The digit that causes the play adjustment will not be passed to the digit buffer, so it cannot be
retrieved using dx_getdig( ) or ATDX_BUFDIGS( ).
digit specifies a DTMF digit (0-9, *,#) that will modify speed by the amount
specified in adjval
adjval specifies a speed adjustment value to take effect whenever the digit specified
in digit occurs:
On DM3 boards, the following are valid values:
• SV_ADD10PCT – increase play speed by 10%
• SV_NORMAL – set play speed to origin (regular speed) when the play
begins. digit must be set to NULL.
• SV_SUB10PCT – decrease play speed by 10%
On Springware boards, the following are valid values:
• SV_ADD10PCT – increase play speed by 10%
• SV_ADD20PCT – increase play speed by 20%
• SV_ADD30PCT – increase play speed by 30%
• SV_ADD40PCT – increase play speed by 40%
• SV_ADD50PCT – increase play speed by 50%
• SV_NORMAL – set play speed to origin (regular speed) when the play
begins. digit must be set to NULL.
• SV_SUB10PCT – decrease play speed by 10%
• SV_SUB20PCT – decrease play speed by 20%
• SV_SUB30PCT – decrease play speed by 30%
• SV_SUB40PCT – decrease play speed by 40%
Parameter Description