Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 365
allow inter-process event communication — dx_sendevt( )
dx_sendevt( )
allow inter-process event communication
! Description
The dx_sendevt( ) function allows inter-process event communication. The event type parameter,
evttype, and its associated data are sent to one or all processes that have the dev device opened.
The events generated by this function can be retrieved using sr_waitevt( ), by registering an event
handler via sr_enbhdlr( ), or by calling dx_getevt( ) to catch the event if the evttype is set to
Name: int dx_sendevt(dev, evttype, evtdatap, evtlen, flags)
Inputs: int dev
• valid channel device handle
long evttype
• type of event to be sent
void *evtdatap
• pointer to data block associated with evttype
short evtlen
• length of the data block in bytes
unsigned short flags
• which processes will receive this event
Returns: 0 if successful
-1 error return code
Includes: srllib.h
Category: Call Status Transition Event
Mode: synchronous
Platform: Springware
Parameter Description
dev specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
evttype specifies the type of event to be sent. See the following page for more
information on defining the type of event.
evtdatap points to a data block associated with evttype.
Note: The evtdatap parameter can be NULL and the evtlen parameter 0 if
there is no data associated with an event type.
evtlen specifies the length of the data block in bytes (between 0 and 256)
flags determines which processes are going to receive this event. Valid values are:
• EVFL_SENDSELF – Only the process calling dx_sendevt( ) will receive
the event.
• EVFL_SENDOTHERS – All processes that have the device opened except
the process calling dx_sendevt( ) will receive the event.
• EVFL_SENDALL – All processes that have the device opened will receive
the event.