Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003 277
connect a voice listen channel to TDM bus time slot — dx_listen( )
dx_listen( )
connect a voice listen channel to TDM bus time slot
! Description
The dx_listen( ) function connects a voice listen channel to a TDM bus time slot. This function
uses the information stored in the SC_TSINFO data structure to connect the receive voice (listen)
channel to a TDM bus time slot. This function sets up a half-duplex connection. For a full-duplex
connection, the receive (listen) channel of the other device must be connected to the voice transmit
Note: TDM bus convenience function nr_scroute( ) includes dx_listen( ) functionality.
Upon return from the dx_listen( ) function, the voice receive channel will be connected to the
TDM bus time slot.
Although multiple voice channels may listen (be connected) to the same TDM bus time slot, the
receive of a voice channel can connect to only one TDM bus time slot.
! Cautions
• This function fails when an invalid channel device handle is specified or when an invalid TDM
bus time slot number is specified.
• On DM3 boards, this function is supported in a flexible routing configuration but not a fixed
routing configuration. This document assumes that a flexible routing configuration is the
configuration of choice. For more information on API restrictions in a fixed routing
configuration, see the Voice API Programming Guide.
Name: int dx_listen(chdev, sc_tsinfop)
Inputs: int chdev
• valid channel device handle
SC_TSINFO *sc_tsinfop
• pointer to TDM bus time slot information structure
Returns: 0 on success
-1 on error
Includes: srllib.h
Category: TDM Routing
Mode: synchronous
Platform: DM3, Springware
Parameter Description
chdev specifies the voice channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
sc_tsinfop specifies a pointer to the SC_TSINFO structure