402 Voice API for Windows Operating Systems Library Reference — November 2003
dx_setsvcond( ) — set conditions that adjust speed or volume of play
! Cautions
• On DM3 boards, speed control is supported only at the 8 kHz sampling rate using the PCM
voice coder with A-law or mu-law coding, or the OKI ADPCM voice coder.
• On DM3 boards, digits that are used for play adjustment may also be used as a terminating
condition. If a digit is defined as both, then both actions are applied upon detection of that
• On Springware boards, digits that are used for play adjustment will not be used as a
terminating condition. If a digit is defined as both, then the play adjustment will take priority.
• On DM3 boards, when adjustment is associated with a DTMF digit, speed can be increased or
decreased in increments of 1 (10%) only.
• On DM3 boards, when adjustment is associated with a DTMF digit, volume can be increased
or decreased in increments of 1 (2 dB) only.
• Condition blocks can only be added to the array (up to a maximum of 20). To reset or remove
any condition, you should clear the whole array, and reset all conditions if required. For
example, if DTMF digit 1 has already been set to increase play speed by one step, a second call
that attempts to redefine digit 1 to the origin will have no effect; the digit will retain its original
• The digit that causes the play adjustment will not be passed to the digit buffer, so it cannot be
retrieved using dx_getdig( ) or ATDX_BUFDIGS( ).
! Errors
If the function returns -1, use the Standard Runtime Library (SRL) Standard Attribute function
ATDV_LASTERR( ) to obtain the error code or use ATDV_ERRMSGP( ) to obtain a descriptive
error message. One of the following error codes may be returned:
Invalid parameter
Function not supported on this board
Invalid number of speed/volume adjustment blocks
Error from operating system; use dx_fileerrno( ) to obtain error value
Parameter Description
chdev specifies the valid channel device handle obtained when the channel was
opened using dx_open( )
numblk specifies the number of DX_SVCB blocks in the array. Set to a value between
1 and 20.
svcbp points to an array of DX_SVCB structures