Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Setting the Flags on the RMX 2000
When running conferences in mixed environment (RMX 2000 and MGC)
there may be small differences between the line rates each MCU is
sending. In the RMX 2000, several flags must be set to ensure that these
differences will not cause the cascaded link to connect as Secondary and
that Content flows correctly between the cascaded conferences. This
procedure is performed once per RMX.
1 In the RMX Web Client menu, click Setup>System Configuration.
2 In the System Flags dialog box, add the following new flags and
Setting this flag to YES will adjust the line rate of HD Video
Switching conferences run on the RMX 2000 from 1920Kbps to
17897Kbps to match the actual rate of the HD Video Switching
conference running on the MGC. In such case, the conference can
include IP and ISDN participants.
Setting this flag to YES will adjust the line rate of HD Video
Switching conferences run on the RMX 2000 from 1920Kbps to
18432Kbps to match the actual rate of the IP Only HD Video
Switching conference running on the MGC. In such case, the
conference can include IP Only participants.
— H263_ANNEX_T=YES (default)
This flag enables/disables the use of Annex T with H263. Set it to
NO if the endpoints connecting to the conference do not support
this mode. In such a case, you must also change the MGC flag
ENABLE_H239_ANNEX_T setting to NO.
_CONNECTION=YES (default).
Set this flag to NO If the MGC is functioning as a Gateway and
participant layouts on the other network are not to be forced to
If the flag MIX_LINK_ENVIRONMENT is set to YES, the
IP_LINK_ENVIRONMENT flag must be set to NO.
If the flag MIX_LINK_ENVIRONMENT is set to NO, the
IP_LINK_ENVIRONMENT flag must be set to YES.