Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
Notes are the electronic equivalent of paper sticky notes. You can use notes
to write down questions, important phone numbers, names of contact
persons, ideas, reminders, and anything you would write on note paper.
Notes can be left open on the screen while you work.
Notes can be read by all RMX Users concurrently connected to the MCU.
Notes that are added to the Notes list are updated on all workstations by
closing and re-opening the Notes window. Notes can be written in any
Unicode language.
Using Notes
To create a note:
1 On the RMX menu, click Administration > Notes.
The Notes window opens.
2 In the Notes toolbar, click the New Note ( ) button, or right-click
anywhere inside the Notes window and select New Note.
3 In the Note dialog box, type the required text and click OK.
The new note is saved and closed. The Notes list is updated, listing
the new note and its properties:
— Note – The beginning of the note’s text.
— Last Modified – The date of creation or last modification.
— Modified By – The Login Name of the user who last modified the