Appendix H-Setting the RMX for Integration Into Microsoft OCS Environment
Dialing to an Entry Queue, Meeting Room or Conference
The preferred dialing mode to the conferencing entities such as Meeting
Rooms, conferences and Entry Queues is direct dial in using the domain
name defined in the OCS Static Routes. This eliminates the need to
register the conferencing entities with the SIP server and to define a
separate user for each conferencing entity in the Active Directory.
In such a case, after the first dial in, the conferencing entity will appear in
the OC client directory for future use.
To dial in directly to a conference or Entry Queue:
Enter the conferencing entity SIP URI in the format:
conferencing entity routing name@domain name
The domain name is identical to the domain name defined in the OCS
Static Routes.
For example, if the domain name defined in the OCS static routes is
lcs2007.polycom.com and the Routing Name of the Meeting Room is 4567,
the participant enters 4567@lcs2007.polycom.com.
Another dialing method is to register the Entry Queues with the SIP
Server and create a user for each Entry Queue in the Active Directory. In
such a case, OC clients can select the Entry Queue from the Contacts list
and dial to the Entry Queue.