Appendix C
CDR Fields - Unformatted
The CDR (Call Detail Records) utility is used to retrieve conference
information to a file. The CDR utility can retrieve conference information
to a file in both formatted and unformatted formats.
Unformatted CDR files contain multiple records. The first record in each
file contains information about the conference in general, such as the
conference name and start time. The remaining records each contain
information about one event that occurred during the conference, such as
a participant connecting to the conference, or a user extending the length
of the conference. The first field in each record identifies the event type,
and this is followed by values containing information about the event.
The fields are separated by commas.
Formatted files contain basically the same information as unformatted
files, but with the field values replaced by descriptions. Formatted files
are divided into sections, each containing information about one
conference event. The first line in each section is a title describing the type
of event, and this is followed by multiple lines, each containing
information about the event in the form of a descriptive field name and
The field names and values in the formatted file will appear in the language
being used for the RMX Web Client user interface at the time when the CDR
information is retrieved.
The value of the fields that support Unicode values, such as the info fields, will
be stored in the CDR file in UTF8. The application that reads the CDR file must
support Unicode.