Chapter 16-RMX Administration and Utilities
If after resources are recalculated there are purple areas to the right of
the blue slider buttons indicating unallocated resources in the system,
the system issues a warning stating that there are un-allocated
resources in the system.
5 Optional. Repeat this procedure from Step 2 to further optimize the
resource allocation.
Un-allocated resources cannot be used by any participants.
If after recalculating the resources the system determines that there
are insufficient resources to support the configuration indicated by
the sliders:
— A major System Alert is raised with Insufficient resources in its
Description field.
— The Fixed Resource Capacity blue slider buttons are disabled.
— A warning message is displayed.
•Click OK to close the warning message box.
a Optional.
•Click the Reset Configuration button to set all the blue
slider buttons to zero.
• Reconfigure the resource allocation.
•Click OK to activate the new resource allocation.
b Optional. Click the Cancel button to accept the resource
The System Alert remains active.
Forcing Video Resource Allocation to CIF Resolution
You can set the MCU to allocate one CIF video resource to an endpoint,
regardless of the resolution determined by the Conference Profile
parameters. This forcing saves resources and enables more endpoints to
connect to conferences.
The forcing is done by modifying the system configuration and it applies
to all conferences running on the MCU.
You can specify the endpoint types for which resource allocation can be
forced to CIF resource, enabling other types of endpoints to use higher
resolutions in the same conference. For example, you can force the system
to allocate one CIF video resource to CMAD and VSX endpoints while
HDX endpoints can connect using SD or HD video resources.