Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
IVR_MUSIC_VOLUME The volume of the IVR music played when a
single participant is connected to the
conference varies according to the value of
this flag.
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 5).
0 – disables playing the music
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
The volume of IVR messages varies
according to the value of this flag.
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 6).
0 – disables playing the IVR messages
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
It is not recommended to disable IVR
messages by setting the flag value to 0.
The volume of the Roll Call varies according
to the value of this flag.
Possible value range: 0-10 (Default: 6).
0 – disables playing the Roll Call
1 – lowest volume
10 – highest volume
Note: It is not recommended to disable the
Roll Call by setting the flag value to 0.
Set this flag to NO when connecting to an
MGC using a cascaded link, if the MGC is
functioning as a Gateway and participant
layouts on the other network are not to be
forced to 1X1.
Default: YES
Table 16-4 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS
Flag and Value Description