Toggle mute on signal generator.
S01SGMUTEx , where x is 0 or 1 depending on the
current state of the signal generator mute.
Query signal generator mute.
S01SGMUTEx , where x is 0 or 1 depending on the
current state of the signal generator mute.
8.143. SGTYPE -- Set Type of Signal Produced by Signal
This command sets the type of signal produced by the internal signal generator. Setting the type to 0
produces white noise, while setting the type to 1 produces pink noise.
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Configure signal generator to produce
white noise.
Configure signal generator to produce
pink noise.
Query current signal generator type.
S01SGTYPEx , where x is either 0 or 1
depending on whether the signal generator
is currently configured to generate white or
pink noise, respectively.
8.144. SOUNDL -- Play Sound Locally
This command can be used to play sounds from the telephone interface to serve as audio cues. The
SOUNDP command plays sounds out to the phone output. The SOUNDL command plays sounds
through the input from the telephone interface (so they will be heard locally). The same sound
generator is also used for playing entry and exit tones for the auto answer and auto hangup features.
This command takes a single argument that indicates the sound to be played. The following table lists
the sound numbers and a description of the generated sound.
Sound Number Sound Description
0 ascending thirds
1 descending thirds
2 ascending chorus
3 descending chorus
4 ascending doorbell
5 descending doorbell