cancel 10 dB of noise. Higher numbers mean more cancellation will be applied, but may result in slight
artifacts depending on the characteristics of the noise. Typical settings are 10 dB for normal
cancellation and 6 dB for light cancellation.
When the wildcard character, '*', is used to specify the channel in this command, it only affects input
channel 1. To set or query the telephone input channel, T, you must specify it explicitly (e.g., '' ''
'S01NCLT6', '' '' 'S01NCLT?').
This command is a channel integer command. See
Section 6.3 and Section 6.2 for more information
on this type of command. The minimum and maximum values for this command are 0 and 20,
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Set NC attenuation level on input channel 1 to
3 dB.
Query the NC attenuation level on input
channel 1 .
S01NCL1x , where x is a number
between 0 and 20, depending on the
current setting of the NC attenuation
level on input channel 1 .
Set NC attenuation level on all microphone
input channels (only 1 on EF2211) to 6 dB.
Query NC attenuation level on all microphone
input channels (only 1 on EF2211) .
S01NCL*x, where x is between ä and ÿ,
depending on the current setting of the
NC attenuation level for input 1.
8.111. NVINIT -- Reinitialize Non-Volatile Memory
This command reinitializes (or formats) all non-volatile memory settings. This will effectively erase
settings for global settings, user presets, macros, labels, and logic I/O configurations. This will
basically reset the unit to a "fresh-out-of-the-box" state.
When this command is issued, it writes to non-volatile memory in order to format the contents back to
the factory default state. The writing process results in a short delay. After the non-volatile memory
has been reformatted, the Vortex will perform a software reset, which is equivalent to a power cycle.
Example Description Status Message
Reinitialize non-volatile memory and perform a
software reset.
No status message will be generated.
There will be a short delay and then
the Vortex will reset.
8.112. NVLOCK -- Lock/Unlock Non-Volatile Memory