(disable) logic
inputs 2, 3, 5,
8, and 13.
Query current
logic input
where a-x are each 0 or 1 depending on
the current state of the logic input mask.
8.83. LIN -- Assign Command to Logic Input Group
This command assigns a command to be executed when a group of logic input pins is in a certain
configuration. Logic groups are defined via the
LIG command.
As an example, assume that the command S01LIG2,000001111100000000000000 has been sent
to the device. This command configures logic input pins 6-10 to be part of logic group 2. Now, we
send the command S01LIN2,10,MACROX25 . This command configures logic input group 2 to
execute the command MACROX25 when logic inputs 7 and 9 are active ('1') and logic inputs 6, 8, and
10 are inactive ('0'). The first number in the LIN command specifies which logic group to be affected.
The second number specifies the configuraion. In this case, the number '10' translates to '01010' in
binary. There are zeros in the positions for the first, third, and last bits -- these correspond to logic
inputs 6, 8, and 10 for our case. Similarly, the ones in the second and fourth positions correspond to
bits 7 and 9. The last part of the command specifies the command to be executed with the pins enter
this configuration.
This command is saved to global non-volatile memory and is not part of a preset. Its value is saved
each time it is changed. It will retain its value after power-down. Since this command writes to non-
volatile memory, there will be a delay before an acknowledgment is returned.
Example Description Status Message
Configure logic input
group 2 to execute
MACROX25 when the
pins in logic input group
2 correspond to the
decimal value 10.
Query the command
associated with decimal
configuration 7 on logic
input group 1.
S01LIN1,7,<string> , where <string>
corresponds to the command that is associated
with decimal configuration 7 on logic input
group 1.
8.84. LIP -- Set Polarity for Logic Inputs
This command sets the polarity for the 24 logic input pins. Setting the polarity for a given pin to 0
indicates that the polarity should be normal (active low). Setting the polarity for a given pin to 1
indicates that the polarity should be inverted (active high). Active low is considered normal because a