Increase automixer decay time
by 500 ms.
S01AMDECAYx , where x is between 0 and
5000 depending on the current AMDECAY
setting. If this command is issued after the
above example, then the status message will
Query automixer decay time.
S01AMDECAYx , where x is between 0 and
5000 depending on the current AMDECAY
setting. If this command is issued after the
above example, then the status message will
be S01AMDECAY1000
8.17. AMGATEC -- Set Automixer Gating Control Mode
This command sets the automixer gating control mode for the specified input channel. The possible
modes are:
● 0 - normal gating
● 1 - microphone forced on
● 2 - microphone forced off
This command is a channel integer command. See
Section 6.3 and Section 6.2 for more information
on this type of command. The minimum and maximum values for this command are 0 and 2,
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Configure microphone input 1 for
normal gating.
Configure microphone input 1 to be
forced on.
Configure microphone input 1 to be
forced off.
Query current gating control mode
for microphone input 1.
S01AMGATEC3x , where x is 0, 1, or 2
depending on the current gating control
mode setting for microphone input 1.
8.18. AMGATER -- Set Automixer Gate Ratio
This command sets the automixer gate ratio (in dB) for the specified input channel. The gate ratio is
the ratio of the speech power to noise power required to gate the microphone on. This value is only
used if the input is set to automatic gating via the