Example Description Status Message
Enable stereo AGC linking on
inputs A and B.
Disable stereo AGC linking on
inputs A and B.
Toggle stereo AGC linking on
inputs A and B.
S01LAGCLINKABx , where x is 0 or 1
depending on the current state of stereo AGC
linking on inputs A and B.
Query status of stereo AGC
linking on inputs A and B.
S01LAGCLINKABx , where x is 0 or 1
depending on the current state of stereo AGC
linking on inputs A and B.
8.70. LAGCMAX -- Set Maximum Allowed Line Input AGC
This command sets the maximum gain that the AGC can apply on input channels A-B. For example, if
LAGCMAX is set to 10, then the AGC for that channel can apply a maximum of 10 dB of gain to the
input signal.
This command was introduced in firmware version 2.5.0.
This command is a channel integer command. See
Section 6.3 and Section 6.2 for more information
on this type of command. The minimum and maximum values for this command are 0 and 15,
This command is saved to non-volatile memory only as part of a preset. The state of this command
will be restored after power-up only if a preset is saved and that preset is set to be the power-on
Example Description Status Message
Set AGC maximum gain on input
channel A to 3 dB.
Query the AGC maximum gain on
input channel B.
S01LAGCMAXBx , where x is a number
between 0 and 15, depending on the current
setting of the AGC maximum gain on input
channel B.
8.71. LAGCMIN -- Set Minimum Allowed Line Input AGC
This command sets the minimum gain that the AGC can apply on input channels A-B. For example, if