This error occurs as the result of an
AMLMN command. It happens when the
command attempts to set a "last mic on" number that does not belong to the
specified automixer while "last mic on" mode is set to manual.
This error occurs as the result of an
AMCHAIR command. It happens when the
command tries to enable chairman mode, but the chairman microphone is set to a
microphone that does not belong to the specified automixer.
This error occurs as the result of an
AMCHAIR command. It happens when the
command tries to set the chairman microphone to a microphone that does not
belong to the specified automixer while chairman mode is enabled.
This error occurs when the user has attempted to utilize more variable DSP
resources than are available. This may occur if too many matrix crosspoints are
unmuted or too many parametric EQ filters are enabled. The
DSPLOAD command
can query the current percentage utilization of DSP resources.
This error occurs as a result of a macro or preset execution command (
PRESETQ, MACROX, MACROQ). It indicates that the macro or preset requested was
This error occurs as a result of a
PRESETW or PRESETK command. In the case of
PRESETW it indicates that an attempt was made to write to a factory preset, which
is not allowed. In the case of
PRESETK, it indicates that an attempt was made to
delete a factory preset, which is not allowed.
This error occurs as a result of a
PRESETQ command. It indicates that one or more
commands in the preset had errors during execution.
This error occurs as a result of a
MACROA command when there are already too
many commands in the macro. The limit is 256 commands per macro.
This error occurs in response to a
MACROA or a logic pin (LIA, LIH, etc.) command.
If the command written to the macro or logic pin is illegal, then this error occurs.
This error occurs when a command attempts to write non-volatile memory, but non-
volatile memory is password protected via
This error occurs when attempting to add a macro command (either during an
upload or while writing a single macro) and the Vortex runs out of room in non-
volatile memory. As a result, the entire macro is discarded. If this occurs during an
upload, all previous macros (before the one that caused the error) are written
This error occurs when attempting to add a command to a macro, but the Vortex is
not in the process of writing a macro. This may happen if you forget to do a
MACROS or UMACROS command, or if you had an ERROR#076 and continued trying
to add commands.
This error indicates an EF Bus hardware handshaking error. This could happen if
bussed units are not powered on simultaneously. Powering the units up
simultaneously should remove the error.
This error indicates an EF Bus software handshaking error. This could happen if
bussed units are not powered on simultaneously. Powering the units up
simultaneously should remove the error.