Configuring the Printer for the Network with the Operation Panel
Subnet Mask
A number used to mathematically
"mask" or hide IP Address on the
network by eliminating those parts
of the address that are alike for all
the machines on the network.
Gateway Address
A gateway is a connection or inter-
change point that connects two
networks. A gateway address is for
the router or host computer used
as a gateway.
❒ To get the addresses, contact
your network administrator.
Access Control Address and Access
Control Mask
Access Control Address and Ac-
cess Control Mask are used to con-
trol the IP Address that have
access to the computer used for
printing, with the IP Address. If it
is not necessary for you to control
the access rights, select “”.
❒ When the Access Control Ad-
dress settings coincide with the
masked result of the IP Address
of the computer, print jobs from
that IP Address can be accepted
by the network interface board.
❒ For example, if you assign as the Access Con-
trol Address to the network in-
terface board, the combination
of the Access Control Mask and
IP Address that can have access
are as follows.(xxx: for any nu-
merical value)
Access Control
IP Address that
have access
0. 0. 0. 0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
255. 0. 0. 0 192.XXX.XXX.XXX
255.255. 0. 0 192.168.XXX.XXX
255.255.255. 0 192.168. 15.XXX 192.168. 15. 16