
Print Log Information
This is a record of jobs that have been printed up to now. The most recent ten
records are displayed.
This record can be displayed with the following commands.
mshell : Use the prnlog command
“Status of Printer”
Item Name Meaning
ID Printing request number.
Source The user name, workstation name or address of the host
that sent the print job.
Process The type of print command used.
Bytes The size of the file in bytes.
Result Communication result.
Indicates that the print job was completed correctly.
Indicates that the print job was not completed normally.
rcp, rsh or lpr print commands were stopped. A problem
occurred with the printing application. This message
doesn't appear when ftp or RPRINTER is used.
Time The time when the print request was received.
User The user name, workstation name or address of the host
that sent the print job.
Address IP address.
Process The type of print command used.
Print Start Time The time the print process was started.
Print End Time The time the print process was completed.
Open Count The number of print processes that the application made.
Eof Count The reception number of file unit.
Data Size The number of bytes of received data.