Page 20 - 16 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Set Up Options
There are two procedures that can be used to successfully set up
scanning. Read the information below and choose the procedure
that you will use to complete the installation:
• Set up scanning
To complete the native implementation of scanning for your
NetWare environment, go to the section of this chapter titled Set
Up Scanning now.
• Use Xerox CentreWare Internet Services
Xerox’s CentreWare Internet Services is accessed through the
embedded HTTP server on the Document Centre that allows
System Administrators and users to configure scan settings.
This is accomplished by using an Internet browser such as
NetScape (version 3.x or later) or Microsoft Internet Explorer
(version 4.x or later).
Using Internet Services, you can:
• Create new scan templates.
• Update existing scan templates.
• Modify scan configurations (including document repository
locations), enable and disable Confirmation Sheets, and
change Filing Protocols.
• Enable Multi-Page TIFF, which will create a single TIFF file
for a multi-page document, instead of one TIFF file for each
Output Image Quality
• Multi-Page TIFF can be enabled using Xerox CentreWare
Internet Services. When Multi-Page TIFF is enabled, a sin-
gle TIFF file will be created for a multi-page document.
This single TIFF file will contain all the pages of the docu-
ment. An .XSM folder is not created when scanning in the
Multi-Page TIFF mode. A single TIFF file and a log file
(.xst) are stored in the repository for each multi-page docu-
ment that is scanned.