Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 5 - 3
5. Novell NetWare
4.X and 5.X (NDS)
5. Novell NetWare 4.X
and 5.X (NDS) Networks
5. Set the NDS Settings.
a) Press the NDS Settings button.
Novell suggests using typeful names when entering
Name Context and Directory Service Tree information.
b) At this screen press the Name Context button and use
the touch panel keyboard to enter the context in which
this printer resides. To access numeric characters and
punctuation, press the More Characters or 123 button.
When finished press Save.
c) Press the Directory Service Tree button and enter the
NDS tree name where the Context chosen in the previ-
ous step resides. When finished press the Save button
twice to record the changes.
6. Set the Print Server Name and Password.
a) Press the Print Server button.
b) Press the Print Server Name button and use the Touch
Screen keyboard to enter the name you assigned to your
print server (it is recommended you use all UPPER
CASE characters). A default name will appear. Use the
backspace key (it looks like an arrow pointing to the left)
to clear out the default name prior to entering your new
name. When finished press Save to retain the changes
and return to the Print Server Screen.
c) Press the Print Server Password button. Use the Touch
Screen keyboard to enter the print server password, in
the correct case, you recorded when you set up your
print server and press Save.
d) Press Save to exit the Print Server Screen and save your