Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 4 - 3
4. CentreWare Device
Admin Wizard
4. CentreWare Device
Admin Wizard
Go to the workstation and...
1. From the desktop click the Start button on the Task Bar.
2. Select the Programs entry in the menu.
3. From the cascade menu select the Xerox CentreWare entry.
4. On the next cascade menu select the Device Admin Wizard.
5. The Device Admin Wizard will start.
6. Follow the instructions on each Device Admin Wizard
Screen to setup the Document Centre on your network.
Context sensitive help is available for each step.
You will be asked for a password, enter “1111” (or the current
Admin password for your printer that you would enter from the
keypad), then click OK.
7. The Device Admin Wizard will complete the installation by
writing the settings to the Document Centre and the Novell
Go to the Document Centre and...
1. Power off and power on the Document Centre so the setup
selections will take effect.
2. Wait a MINIMUM of 7 minutes for the printer to reset.