Page 14 - 2 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Go to the Document Centre and...
1. Connect your Document Centre to the network with the
appropriate cabling.
2. Access the Tools pathway.
a) Press the Access ( or ) button.
b) On the keypad enter 1111 or the current password. Press
the Enter button when finished. The Touch Screen will
be used for the remainder of the data entry, unless
instructed otherwise.
c) Press the Go to Tools button.
3. Enable the AppleTalk protocol.
a) Wait for the screen to refresh and press the Connectivity
and Network Setup button.
b) Wait for the screen to refresh and press the Network
Setup button.
c) Press the AppleTalk button.
d) Press the Protocol and Media button.
e) Press the Enable button. If Physical Media buttons
appear, select either Ethernet or Token Ring. Press