Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide Page 5 - 1
5. Novell NetWare
4.X and 5.X (NDS)
5. Novell NetWare 4.X
and 5.X (NDS) Networks
5. Novell NetWare 4.X and 5.X (NDS)
Before You Start
NOTE Your Document Centre may be installed on your network using
Novell NDPS. The Xerox NDPS Agent, Documentation, and Print
drivers are available from the Xerox Web Site www.xerox.com
To enable 100BaseT or a Token Ring interface, refer to
Chapter 2 How to Connect to Ethernet or Token Ring
Networks to configure the Speed and Source Routing settings
for your environment.
The CentreWare software supplied with your printer can be
used to set up your printer on your Novell network. For details
refer to the document entitled CentreWare Network Services
This procedure assumes you ran NWADMIN or PCONSOLE
to set up a print server object. Please refer to the
documentation supplied by Novell to complete those tasks.
Record precisely (observe upper and lower case, dot notation
etc.) the following: the NDS Tree, NDS Context Name,
frame type, Print Server Name, and the Print Server
password, that was assigned.