Page 3 - 4 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
6. Select either DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP as the dynamic
address source.
a) Press the Dynamic Addressing button. By default,
DHCP will be selected. To disable DHCP, choose
another dynamic addressing method (BOOTP, DHCP,
DHCP/AutoNet, RARP) or Disabled, and press Save.
b) Press the Exit Tools button. Wait approximately 2 min-
utes before you continue to Step 7.
7. Print a Configuration Report page to verify the DocuCentre
TCP/IP information was assigned correctly by the dynamic
a) Repeat Steps 3a and 3c.
b) Select System Setting.
c) Select Configuration Report.
d) Select Print Configuration Report Now.
e) Press the Cancel button.
f) Press the Exit Tools button.
8. Set the Host Name
a) Repeat Steps 3a - 5a.
b) Press the Name/Address button.
c) Press the Host Name button.
d) By default, the Document Centre assigns a default host
name. To change the host name, type the host name
EXACTLY as you want it to appear with correct case.
When finished press the Save button to record the
changes and exit to the TCP/IP Settings screen.
The Document Centre will only accept one Gateway address from a
DHCP server.
9. Set Subnet Mask and Gateway Address.
a) Press the Subnet and Gateway button.
b) Press the soft buttons on the Touch Screen one at a time
for each octet of the Subnet Mask and enter the numbers
from the keypad.