Akai 4000S Musical Instrument User Manual

Getting Ready: Instructions
10 of 44 UniQuest for EWI 4000s
1.1 Exploring the Bank Editor Window
You can now explore each of the sounds you have uploaded by clicking on an entry
in the bank window. When you do this, the sound data will be downloaded through
MIDI to the EWI 4000s temporary editing buffer, allowing you to audition the cur-
rent selection. This will not overwrite any of the EWI 4000s presets, so it is com-
pletely safe to do.
More interestingly, you can also split the Bank Editor window to see the current
preset loaded into the Virtual Instrument Interface editor. This is achieved by press-
ing the Bank Editor Window’s Editor-Split button, which has the icons of 3 faders
and two knobs on it:
1.1.1 The Split Bank Window
Once the Bank Editor has been split, you can edit the Bank in the left side, and edit
the current preset in the right side:
If you have not yet selected a preset, nothing will be shown on the right side of the