Akai 4000S Musical Instrument User Manual

A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
UniQuest for EWI 4000s 33 of 44
2.4.1 Exporting Bank Windows to Text
Although UniQuest for EWI 4000s does not operate as a plug-in for Digital Audio
Workstation (DAW) software, it features very powerful preset export functions for
use with these DAW programs and for sharing your EWI 4000s presets with others
who are not UniQuest users. These functions are accessed from within the Bank
Editor Window by performing a right-click (Windows) or Alt-Click (Mac) over the
bank editing area as follows:
On selecting ‘Save Akai Pro EWI 4000s Preset Bank As...’ a Save dialog will be
launched. This dialog can save to many useful formats besides native .Bnk:
SMF: Exports a standard MIDI File that can be played with any sequencer to dump
the bank back to any connected EWI 4000s.
MIDIX: Exports a standard MIDIX file that can be dumped to any EWI 4000s with
any MIDI utility program supporting this format.
Bank Names as Text: Exports either a tab delimited (for import to spreadsheets and
databases) or as a multi-line text file (for import to word processing programs).
Cake Names: Exports to Cakewalk name formats for all versions of Cakewalk and
Sonar. To import these into your specific version, please consult the owner’s manual
for this DAW.
Cubase Names: Exports to Cubase name format. To import these into your specific
version, please consult the owner’s manual for this DAW.