Akai 4000S Musical Instrument User Manual

A Quick Tour of UniQuest For EWI 4000s
UniQuest for EWI 4000s 15 of 44
2.2.1 Preset Editor Overview
There are 9 sections that make up the EWI 4000s Preset Editor :
In the illustration above, the sections have been separated from their normal layout
and are shown according to their location in the EWI 4000s synthesizer architec-
ture. The black arrows indicate the flow of audio signals within the EWI 4000s.
We will now explore each of these sections in greater detail.
2.2.2 LCD Display
The LCD display section shows the currently loaded preset’s name and number
within the bank editor.
Clicking your mouse on the preset name area will open a dialog allowing you to
rename the preset, while the preset number is display only. If you have opened the
editor from the Preset component, the preset number will be whatever is currently
configured in the instrument module (default #1). If you have opened the editor
from the Preset Editing Buffer component there will be not be a preset number dis-
played (--).
Underneath the preset name is a 7 octave virtual keyboard display. This keyboard
will light up to indicate MIDI notes that are received from the EWI 4000s, so it
makes a great tool for working on your fingerings and practicing scales.