6.1 The Extension module includes:
Communication with Boom operator over a "private line" with sidetone
Mono feed with the ability to talk to the agency folk
Special feed for video assist
Additional line output for a back up recorder
Subaudable tone on slate
Internal or external slate mic
{ MS decoding for the mixer's and boom operator's monitor
{ Remote roll for Stelladat and Nagra
Switchable VU or PPM for both channels
Phase correlation meter
Nagra 4.2. and IV-S audio in and out connectors
The extension module connects via a cable to the extension box that carries a wide variety of input and
output connectors.
6.2 Extension box
The extension box carries the following inputs and outputs:
1 Left & 1 Right balanced output on standard XLR
1 Left & 1 Right balanced input on standard XLR
Mono balanced output on standard XLR
Guest Line balanced output (mono-mix including talk - to guestline feature) on standard XLR
Left and Right Video assist output on unbalanced RCA/Cinch connectors
1 - 7-pin Tuchel connector to interface directly to the NAGRA IV-S Stereo inputs
{ 1 - 7-pin Tuchel connector to interface directly to the NAGRA IV-S Stereo outputs as well as Stop/Roll
1 - 7-pin Tuchel connector to interface directly to the NAGRA 4.2. Mono inputs and outputs as well as
Stop/Roll functions
1 - 9 pin sub-d connector to interface directly to the Stelladat's inputs and outputs as well as Roll/Stop
functions (Stelladat must be set for single button record)
A Selector switch on the Extension box lets you choose which recorder you are going to work with. Of course, you
can always back up your work on a second recorder.
A mini-switch lets you choose between Stop and Pause operation of the Stelladat.