Controlling MIDI Devices
If you’re using the Lucina AX-09 by itself, there’s no need
for you to have a detailed understanding of MIDI. The
following explanation of MIDI is provided for those who
wish to connect the Lucina AX-09 to other MIDI devices
and control them.
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface,
and is a global standard that allows electronic musical
instruments and computers to exchange performance
“MIDI Implementation Chart” (p. 26) is a chart that
provides an easy way of checking which MIDI messages
the Lucina AX-09 is able to receive. By comparing the
MIDI implementation charts of the Lucina AX-09 and
some other MIDI device, you can see which messages
are compatible between the two devices.
MIDI Messages that can be
Transmitted and Received
The Lucina AX-09 can transmit and receive the following
MIDI messages.
The Lucina AX-09 always receives MIDI messages from
the USB COMPUTER connector.
MIDI message Explanation
Note On/O (*1) Transmission Key on/o messages
Velocity Transmission Strength with which you play the key
Channel aftertouch messages
transmitted by the D Beam [ASSIGNABLE]
button assigned to “
” or by the
PEDAL. (This message is not transmitted
by the keyboard.)
Channel aftertouch, polyphonic
Cannot be speci ed from the Lucina
Program Change Transmission
Bank Select (*2) Transmission
Cannot be speci ed from the Lucina
Modulation CC01, transmission: MODULATION BAR
CC01 (Modulation)
Control change number assigned to
the D Beam [ASSIGNABLE] button or to
CC05 (Porta-Time)
CC07 (Volume)
CC10 (Panpot)
CC11 (Expression)
CC64 (Hold)
CC65 (Porta-Sw)
CC66 (Sostenute)
CC71 (Resonance)
CC72 (ReleaseTime)
CC73 (AttackTime)
CC74 (Cuto )
*1 Local control is always on. It cannot be turned o . If you want to control a
connected external sound module without playing the Lucina AX-09’s own
sounds, you can either disconnect the Lucina AX-09’s OUTPUT jacks, lower the
Lucina AX-09’s volume, or lower the volume of the connected amp or mixer.
*2 The transmitted program change number and bank select data (CC00, CC32)
cannot be speci ed from the Lucina AX-09, but when you select an internal
tone, that tone’s program change number and bank select data (CC00, CC32;
see the “Tone List” at the end of this manual) will be transmitted according to
the MIDI settings (p. 20).
Connecting a MIDI Sound Module
1. Use a MIDI cable to connect the Lucina AX-09’s
MIDI OUT connector to the MIDI IN connector of
the MIDI sound module you want to control.
MIDI Sound Module
MIDI IN connector
As necessary, connect an amp or speakers to the MIDI
sound module or synthesizer you’re using. For details,
refer to the owner’s manual of the sound module (or other
device) you’re using.
Making MIDI-related Settings
1. Hold down the [SHIFT] button and press the
[V-LINK] button the appropriate number of times
to access the desired MIDI setting; four times for
Ch,” ve times for “Bn ,” or six times for “PC.”
2. Continue holding down the [SHIFT] button, and
use the [INC/+] / [DEC/–] buttons to edit the
Parameter Value Explanation
(Default: 1)
MIDI channel setting
(Default: OFF)
Speci es whether MSB/LSB will be
(Default: ON)
Speci es whether program change
data will be transmitted
3. Release the [SHIFT] button.
4. To save this setting, hold down the [SHIFT] button
and press the [WRITE] button.
Connecting Other Equipment